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Mehr Blogs von AngelWicky - Seite 3

My name is Angel Wicky and my life began the day, when I started working as an erotic model. My life was no fairy tale in which you look pink glasses, not soft as cotton candy and sweet as marzipan. I went through the hell that was full of painful things like calibrating hot iron, and situations that threw me into this hell. I was all alone and I had to get out of it without help anyone else. It all started not wanting pregnancy my mother, abortion attempts, escapes after my birth and end escape in my *****hood. They were sharp unpleasant relationships in our family and at school. Bullying, being, bullying, ridicule, restriction and planning my life around and pushing out my company. I did not have my freedom in decision making and in my own thinking. They suppress my personality and the right to identity. I had planned what I’ll do what I will study, what are my interests, how and where I will live, with whom I will and will not associate with whom I can be friends, what will my career where I go and if I can be married and when. The nastiest thing happened. They stood me in my role as dolls to play with which everyone can do what he wants … because I am just the thing

I love music, dance, theater, art, photography, performances and demonstrations before an audience itself from my five years. Ithelped me relax, think of other things and forget all evil. I love to feel the energy, enthusiasm, happiness, admiration and success.I love the positive feelings, shrubs radiating from people around me during my performance. I was am happy when I feel that someone understands and supports me. I had support, understanding and feeling as if they belongin an art school and art. I gave everyone drove, I’m not just a toy that I have someone I can do something, something in excel and achieve something.

Another problem was my health. I’ve never been a healthy, strong ***** full of flavor and zest to life. Bothered me a lot of unexplained health problems, for which I was often in hospital for infusions, the antibiotics, I took ****s, I tried herbs and homeopathics. Then I was better. My problems stopped for a while, and I thought that I would be fine and healthy. And then as a blow struck all over again. Further examination at the hospital, the next infusion, diets, medications. The period of improvement and collapse, collapseand improvement. Eventually I got into a gradual state of immune system failure and worsening of health problems, chronic recurrence of disease, fainting, and inability to live normally. I ended up with a total failure of the organism in the hospital. Doctors are worried about me, if not die, it was very bad. I collapsed immunity and bodies and I was still thinner. During two weeks I went through an infinite number of very unpleasant and complete examination of all parts of my body and doctors tried to figure out what to me.

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