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  • By: Anni_Next_Door
  • Resolution: 1920 x1080
  • Runtime: 8:26 min
  • Size: 468.8 MB
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You are a failure, a complete idiot, a nobody. Of course you don't deserve to be touched by me, you will never be intimate with me, because you are simply on a completely different level, you are not worthy. I am far too disgusted by you. Your wanking fingers disgust me, so you have no choice but to do it yourself again. This time, however, you will wank and come on my command. You can admire me, worship me and listen to my voice. My leather outfit turns you on and means that you have to pull yourself together not to cum straight away. I put you down, insult and abuse you and laugh at you. You are simply perverted, disgusting and embarrassing. At the end you should cum on my countdown, because I have to devote myself to important things again and have wasted my valuable time long enough on you, losers. #Leather #Leatherpants #Leatherjacket
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