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  • By: DominaJulina
  • Resolution: 1920 x1080
  • Runtime: 6:29 min
  • Size: 334.5 MB
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Naive, little slave? You think I'm playing games? Oh, you really are naive, my little blackmail slave. Let me make one thing clear to you: I'm not playing games. In the last part of my video series, you are already so deeply caught in my web that there is no escape for you. I could destroy you with the snap of my fingers, crush you like a little maggot - because you have already given me everything I need to control you. You have trusted me with your secrets and now you are mine. But do you really want to know what happens if you don't behave? If you don't pay? You will find out the answer here. And I promise you that it will make you tremble. You will wish you had never started this video series, you naive little slave. You are my property - forever. Do you finally understand, little blackmail slave? You belong to me. Forever. I have complete power over you. You can twist and turn, but it won't do any good. As long as you do what I say, I'll keep you in my net. But dare to disobey and I'll crush you - like the worthless little insect you are to me. You know full well that I'm in control, and that's exactly what makes you so infinitely horny. You want to take the next step, despite the fear. You want to know what I'm going to do, and that's exactly why you're going to continue to put yourself in my hands, my little slave. Prepare yourself, my blackmail slave. Your fate is in my hands.
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