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  • By: DominaJulina
  • Resolution: 1920 x1080
  • Runtime: 13:31 min
  • Size: 987.3 MB
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As you probably know, I have a property of several thousand square meters far outside of Munich. No neighbor far and wide. I have made it my task to set up my personal fetish paradise here and to indulge myself completely in my personal sadistic perverse dominant fantasies. Of course I like the classic dominance. But if you've known me for a long time, you also know that many of my preferences drift to the extreme, in directions that are classified as not so nice in professional circles. But I don't care, I don't have to please anyone else and live out my perversion the way I want to. That's exactly why I'm looking for a handful of slaves for my new life project, which is currently starting. This project involves a gulag. Maybe you know the term? In other countries it is more commonly known under other terms, in this country for example. But before the screaming gets big again, let's stay with the Gulag. Anyway, I have some plans here. Lots of plans. A handful of slaves who will bind to me for the rest of their lives until they breathe their last. I'll tell you this much: You will no longer have your own rights and those around you will think you have isolated yourself and are leading a hermit's life, while you are living with me in absolute captivity without human treatment. Instead, you are only seen as cattle, as a useful object, as an object that I will use for my perverse fantasies. In the video, I'm going to address a few things that can be disturbing, among other things. I'll say some things that will make you swallow. You will probably be shocked, disgusted, confused. You'll probably think that's a bit too extreme. But I am absolutely and completely sure of one thing: Every single part that I address in this video. Every single word that will encompass your future life.
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